I do hope you are not feeling lonely, but if you are this book is for you.


As you probably know, there is a big difference between being alone and being lonely. One is a choice. The other is not. If you are alone by choice, that is fine, but if being alone makes you lonely then you need someone to be there for you. Hopefully, this book will be just the kind of book you are looking for.

LONELINESS encompasses one hundred and one questions and answers of all kinds of situations people find themselves in. I compiled this book from my answers on loneliness on Quora, the international question and answer website. I have written well over 4,000 answers on that website in the past two years, many solely on the subject of loneliness. I am also a registered Nurse and have taken care of many lonely people, especially seniors.

I have picked these questions and answers at random and hope they will be just what you are looking for. I have given much practical advice which I hope will be of use to you.

Many of the answers will include my experiences because I have had much loneliness in my life. My father died when I was ten and my mother followed him when I was fifteen, so I have been on my own a lot over the years. After my last husband died, I spent many lonely years trying to build up my life again. I have written all about these experiences in my answers and hope they will be able to help you.

Read this book and never feel lonely again.