If you have bipolar disorder (particularly bipolar 1)

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Crisis Plan

you may need hospital treatment at some time in the illness. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Hospital care is to keep you safe, and often to adjust your medication and find one that works for you.

            I have been in many psychiatric hospitals in my life, both in this country and in England, so I have experience with this part of bipolar disorder. The main thing that has helped me is a feeling of safety as I live alone. The fact that somebody is there is very helpful to me.

            It is wise to make preparations before you become sick. When you are in the throes of mania, depression, or suicidal ideation, it is too late to make a plan. You may not be able to think straight. You need to have this ready to grab before you leave the house.

            Take a piece of paper and do the following:


  • Pack an overnight carry-on bag with clothes and toiletries.
  • Make a list of all your doctors and their addresses and phone numbers.
  • Make a list of your therapist, his address and phone number.
  • Make a list of all the medications you take.
  • Make a list of your supporters with their names, addresses and phone numbers

It may be helpful to keep your plan in a folder or a big envelope.

If you have supporters, you may like to give them a copy of your plan so that they will have it ready if you need hospital care.

Having this list available is helpful to you and the hospital staff who will be taking care of you.