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My writing journey


I hope you had a good summer. It feels like fall here in South Texas where I live. I wish  we had fall colors, but the trees here are short, fat, and evergreen. 
I am from London so  living in a small town in Texas was a culture shock for me. Have you been to London? That was where I was born.

You may be wondering what made me start writing books. Well, that is an interesting  story. I write regularly for Quora the question-and-answer website ( I have written over 5,000 answers and have a following of 19,000 people) and met a woman on there called Kathy Pennell. She is an author who has written three mysteries. Well, Kathy encouraged me to write a book and six nonfiction books came out of that.

Then I decided to write fiction and have now written three novellas in the psychological thriller genre: Shards of  Glass, Fragments of the Past, and Memories Lost in Time. They are doing  very well on Amazon.

So I am a busy person now with my writing and painting. I live alone with my cat Greta. I may put some photos of her on here in the future. But she is shy!

Best wishes


Do take a look at my author page on Amazon.